oracne - Victoria Janssen (oracne) wrote,
oracne - Victoria Janssen

I am like the Bumblebee.

I made it through page 300 of The Duke & The Pirate Queen last night. Only pages 301-372 to go. And then typing up all my changes, which is kind of a pain, since for a one-word change I need to let them know what page and line and I give the surrounding words as well to avoid confusion. Still, the typing part should go pretty fast compared to the reading and making final edits part. And I much prefer electronic editing to having to ship giant piles of paper back and forth.

So, before I leave for the Romance Writers of America conference on Wednesday morning, I need to finish my Author Alterations, type them, and send them to my editor; send various emails related to the conference; make a schedule for myself that lists my various conference parties and appointments; go to the gym; do laundry; get a pedicure; buy bus/subway tokens, which I ran out of without noticing; and pack neatly the various items which are currently strewn across my open suitcase, find the things that aren't strewn atop the suitcase, decide if I'm bringing an extra pair of shoes, and that kind of thing etcetera etcetera etcetera amen. I was going to mail something, too, but I realized this morning that it can wait until I return. *whew*

And now I am pondering whether I should use a different verb for a small moment in the book when the characters are eating the meat in a green coconut off a knife, to indicate that the meat is softer and more gel-like than what the reader is probably picturing in their head if they've only eaten ripe coconut meat. This is what it's like inside my head when I'm making revisions like this. Inside my head can be a scary place.
Tags: business of writing

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